不伦瑞克社区学院继续教育和劳动力发展为各行各业提供教育培训,使个人能够在高需求行业中找到工作. 行业课程是为那些寻求加速就业技能发展并获得国家证书的学生设计的. 参加劳动力发展行业课程的学生可以在六个月或更短的时间内完成一系列相互关联的教育培训项目.
Current courses include those listed below. To register, click on the 网上注册 button and then enter course name in the Search field. For more information or to inquire about other trades courses, contact the OneStop Center at onestop@jorgeleonbaez.com.
The student will learn to interpret and read 蓝图 for both residential and commercial structures. The topics include the basic principles of the blueprint lines, 的观点, 符号, dimensioning procedures and notes. Students will also learn how to price various tasks required for new construction, understand and decipher a variety of trade drawings, and apply methods for material ordering and job cost.
This course covers two- and four-cycle engines that are used for marine vessel propulsion. Emphasis is placed on design, cooling systems, lubrication systems, and air in-take systems. 在完成 of the program, students should be able to test, 进行故障排除, 诊断, and repair marine engine systems.
This certification-related course is designed for the 一级楼宇检验 code enforcement official. Course participants will learn a better understanding of Building Code, 住宅规范和北卡州建筑规范的无障碍规范,并将能够应用这些规范在检验领域. With the successful completion of this course, 法律和行政课程以及NC代码官员资格委员会要求的其他教育要求, students will be eligible to take the Building Level I state exam.
本认证相关课程是为教育和培训负责检查60以下所有类型建筑的建筑二级法规执行官员而设计的,000平方英尺,是根据建筑物一级标准检验课程中提供的信息建造的. 在完成, course participants will have a better understanding of the Building Code, 住宅编码, 和北卡罗来纳州建筑规范的无障碍规范,并将能够在检测领域应用这些规范. 除了, 成功完成本课程和法律与行政课程,并结合NC代码官员资格委员会规定的其他教育和经验要求, course participants will be eligible
to take the Building Level II state examination for inspector certification.
本课程提供与住宅和商业环境中木匠使用的核心技能相关的指导. 主题包括安全, 手动/电动工具的使用, 现场准备, 测量与布局, 底座和基础, 建设框架, 以及其他相关话题. 在完成, students should be able to construct, 勃起的, 安装, or repair structures and fixtures made of wood.
This advanced course is designed to build upon skills learned in previous carpentry courses. 安全, 测量, 工具设备, 产品及材料, 木工和框架, 外加工, 室内装修, building codes and inspections, and energy efficiency will be taught through a combination of lecture and project-based activities. 学生将有机会在成功完成规定的考试后获得国家建筑教育与研究中心(NCCER)的认证.
Imagine getting paid $750 to take a tuition-free course. If that sounds good, the brand new CONSTRUCTION ACADEMY is calling your name.
This accelerated 10-week course provides hands-on training, mentorship and assistance in finding internships and employment. Students will have the opportunity to obtain an OSHA-10 certification and NCCER certification. Thanks to a grant from the Carolina Association of General Contractors, the course is TUITION-FREE and includes a BONUS OF 完成它需要750美元. 培训1月1日开始. 8, 2024. Seating is limited to 15 students, so act now. Learn more and register TODAY at (910) 755-7320 or onestop@jorgeleonbaez.com.
Students will be introduced to light construction building trades. 重点将放在, 有关安全工作守则, personal protective equipment (PPE), tools and the proper and safe use of the tools. 本课程旨在为学生提供在轻型建筑行业就业的入门级培训. The student will have the opportunity to earn NC3 certifications in 安全 and measuring tools, along with the 10-hour OSHA CARD, and NCCER credentials after passing the exams.
建设 Project Man年龄ment:
本课程将为具有建筑背景的个人做好准备,以晋升为监督或管理职位. Such positions may include project man年龄r, superintendent, estimator, supervisor, and inspector. Course work includes 安全, 规划, 调度, 估计, 阅读蓝图, 监督, 建筑规范. 在完成 of the course, students will be qualified to man年龄 construction projects. This course includes the use of Microsoft Project Man年龄ment software.
本课程为学生准备入门级轻型建筑和基本住宅电气安装. Topics include static electricity, OHMs law, DC circuits, alternating & 直接电流, 指标, 变形金刚, 电容器, 电子, 安全, 绿色建筑实践, 阅读蓝图, and regulatory NEC requirements for residential facilities. The skills acquired prepares the student for immediate employment in the electrical field. Student will also have the opportunity to obtain a 10-hour OSHA 安全 card, NCCER and GreenLee certifications.
Prerequisite Electrical Tech I. This course Load calculations, conductor selection calculations, practical lighting applications, 危险的地方, 过电流保护, 配电设备, 变形金刚, commercial electrical services, 电动机的计算, 的声音, data, & 视频,电机控制. Students will also have the opportunity to obtain NCCER & 绿李认证.
This course provides updates and changes in NEC and any NC amendments, 以及其他规范内容的覆盖范围,以使持牌电工能够获得NC电气承包商委员会授权的继续教育.
点击这里注册 for one of our upcoming courses.
本课程培养个人在电力设施的准备和维修中担任流水线工人. 这是一个为期10周的项目, 400小时的课程,旨在为个人准备一个高薪和令人兴奋的工作作为一个电气线路工人. 在完成, individuals will possess the necessary skills for employment in the electrical utility industry. 在培训期间, individuals will be given the opportunity to obtain certifications in: 3m 安全, 人才挖掘, 以及CDL许可证准备. Students will have inter的观点 after Graduation. Course content to align with learning outcomes defined by the Carolinas Energy Workforce Consortium. Pre-registration requirements: high school diploma or GED, Valid Driver’s license (Must be 18 years of 年龄), and DOT Physical Exam results.
本课程将帮助个人准备NC建筑承包商执照委员会认证考试. Class will emphasize codes, cost estimation, 阅读蓝图, and construction terms. 一流的课程将帮助您完成向NC建筑承包商许可证委员会的申请. 书要求. Book list will be provided on first night of class. Books are estimated $300-$500 For info regarding NC Licensing, go to: www.nclbgc.Org和WWW.contractorsseminars.com.
本课程的目的是为学生准备一个成功的开始,成为暖通空调领域的工匠. Course will familiarize student with mechanical codes. 学生在顺利完成考试后将有机会获得国家建设教育与研究中心(NCCER)口袋卡和OSHA十小时口袋卡. Course work includes lecture, handouts and hands-on experience. 书要求. Class limited to 12 students.
This course is a continuation of Heating and Air Conditioning I, It is designed to provide the student with advanced skills in the subject matter. The course will venture into a more in-depth study of the Heating and Air Condition industry. You will have the opportunity to obtain your CFC Certification. The course will better familiarize the student with mechanical codes. Pre-registration required for class. This is a National Center for 建设 Education and 研究 (NCCER) class. 书要求. Class limited to 12 students.
Machine Technology Level I
This course introduces machining operations as they relate to the metalworking industry. Topics include machine shop 安全, measuring tools, job 规划, etc. This course teaches on lathe operations, 钻井技术, 铣操作, surface grinding and job layout strategies. The instructor also emphasize machine 维护, soft skills, and team work. 学生将有机会通过国家金属加工技能研究所(NIMS)获得第三方证书. 书要求.
This course prepares plumbing technicians for entry level employment. The course focus on the basic 安装, 维护, and repair of plumbing system and components. Topics include safe use of tools, implementation of standard practices, and 安装/维护 of piping, 配件, 阀门, appliances and fixtures used in plumbing systems. Students have the opportunity to earn OSHA, as well as, NCCER Credentials.
This introductory course will explore basic engine operation, 点火系统, 燃料系统, 压缩系统, and small engine 维护. Students will experience project based activities, teamwork, and various employer locations.
点击这里注册 for one of our upcoming courses.
This course provides instruction on the fundamentals of Solar Photovoltaic systems. Students will learn design criteria, 安装, 安全问题, and 维护 of photovoltaic systems, 建设技能, 以及应用数学技能. 在完成, 学生将具备太阳能光伏行业经销商/安装商的入门级职位的知识基础. 数控认证. 电气I & II.
本课程的目的是为学生准备一个成功的开始,成为焊接行业的工匠. 学生学习使用气体和/或焊接工艺,并根据图表钎焊和焊接金属零件, 蓝图, 或者书面说明. 学生通过考试后将有机会获得国家建设教育与研究中心(NCCER)口袋卡和OSHA 10小时口袋卡. 书要求. 每班限12人.
Brunswick Community College, is offering a 焊接进修 course during the Summer. This will be a 100% hands on class. If there is an area you need to improve on this is the class for you. 联系 onestop@jorgeleonbaez.com or 91O-755-7320 for class dates, times, and additional information.